Anthony Njoroge Ng'ethe


An Agronomist and Post Mining Land Use Specialist with Horticultural (High value Crops) profession background with project management skills in converting normal and mined land into high value and optimized returns in a commercial agricultural setup. Able to manage huge number of workers, machinery, farm inputs and latest technologies in achieving high profitability agribusiness farms, setups and systems.

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Most Recent Job


Base Titanium Limited


Job Description/Purpose

As a Post Mining Land Use Agronomist / Project Management Specialist, I was involved in establishing Commercial Feasibility Trials in a 12 Ha farm with a prospect of being upscaled into 1000 acres of commercial production. The main purpose was to apply latest and proven agricultural technologies, digital systems, farm machinery, high vigorous planting materials, good agronomic practices, monitoring and evaluation and comprehensive data analysis and report development.

Job Responsibilities

  • Land Geo-referenced mapping and demarcation.
  • Farm Designs and database development and Management.
  • Development of the Project Organogram and working structures.
  • Sourcing of farm inputs, machinery and tools, and Irrigation systems.
  • Identification of existing value chains for the suggested High Value Crops.
  • Development of Monthly Reports and sharing information with Senior BTL Management.
  • Working with BTL Senior Management and diverse stakeholders in the establishment, management and identifications of relevant value chains for the high value crops.

Key Achievement

Successfully established several agribusiness projects with last one being Base Titanium Limited Commercial Agribusiness Trials.

Additional Job Experience

Certification and Processing Manager

Leafs from Kenya


Job Description/Purpose

Establishing and managing Organic crop production, processing and Food Quality Certification Systems.

Job Responsibilities

  • Organic Certification system development.
  • Implementation of Food Safety and Quality systems and structures.
  • Organizing and managing labour.
  • Procurement of processing farm inputs, machines and materials.
  • Design of processing and packaging facility.

Key Achievement

Establishment of QMS and Organic Systems and structures that was successfully approved by certification bodies. The produced and manufactured products were also successfully exported and approved by overseas buyers.


Highest Level

Project Management

India Institute of Technology (Distant Learning)

Activities and Societies

Additional Education

Regenerative Permaculture and Ecological Principles and Practices


Activities and Societies


Professional Qualification Training One

Occupational Health and Safety

Internal (Obtained at Base Titanium)

Professional Qualification Training Two


Internal (Obtained at Base Titanium)


  • Swimming
  • Reading
  • Travelling
  • Watching documentaries


  • Swahili
  • Kikuyu
  • English
  • Spanish

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