Mary Wanjiku James

Rehabilitation Attendant

Experienced in Agribusiness production of high value crops having practiced Agronomy, Farm Machine operation, Store Keeping, Crop Protection, Crop Irrigation and nutrition, Harvesting and Postharvest Handling. Proficient in Basic Computer packages and internet services.

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Most Recent Job

Rehabilitation Attendant

Base Titanium Ltd


Job Description/Purpose

Agribusiness Agronomy and Storekeeping.

Job Responsibilities

  • Monitoring and Data Collection
  • Farm machine operation
  • Crop establishment and protection.
  • Store keeping.
  • Irrigation system operation
  • Crop nutrition and fertigation.
  • Crop weeding, pruning, harvesting and post-harvest activities.
  • Work review and planning.

Key Achievement

Successfully trained and operated farm machines and maintained farm store (Receiving and Issuing inputs and tools).

Additional Job Experience

Cybercafé Attendant

Rafiki Cyber

Ukunda, Kenya

Job Description/Purpose

Cyber Attendant in Internet and Computer Services

Job Responsibilities

  • Providing excellent customer service to users of the cyber cafe. This includes assisting customers with logging in, troubleshooting technical issues, and answering questions about services offered.
  • Conducting routine maintenance tasks on computers and peripherals, such as cleaning keyboards and monitors, updating software, and ensuring all equipment is in good working order.
  • Ensuring that customers use the facilities responsibly and adhere to the cyber cafe’s policies. This may involve monitoring browsing activities to ensure compliance with legal and ethical guidelines.
  • Offering technical assistance to customers who encounter problems with computers, software, or internet connectivity.
  • Opening and closing the cyber cafe, including setting up computers and equipment at the start of the day and shutting down and securing the premises at the end of the day.

Key Achievement

Offered satisfactory services to Customers.


Highest Level

Basic Computer Packages

Lingua Training Center

Activities and Societies

Typesetting and card designing and printing

Additional Education

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education

Stephen Secondary School

Activities and Societies


Professional Qualification Training One

Occupational Health and Safety

Internal (Obtained at Base Titanium)

Professional Qualification Training Two

Basic Agronomy

Internal (Obtained at Base Titanium)


  • Travelling
  • Swimming


  • English
  • Swahili

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