Omari Khalfan Tsumo

Occupational Health and Safety Officer

I have nine years’ experience in a mining production industry working as an OHS officer in the Occupational Health & Safety department and as a technical trades apprentice in Occupational Safety, Electrical & Instrumentation and Mechanical engineering including vast work exposure in refrigeration and air conditioning.

Also proficient in a wide variety of hands-on technical skills, training workers/ team members on Occupational Safety, first aid at work, Firefighting and delivering trainings on emergency response techniques. A government approved Fire Safety Auditor.

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Most Recent Job

Occupational Health and Safety Officer

Base Titanium Limited


Job Description/Purpose

To ensure Occupational Health and Safety systems are in place and operational across all Base Titanium sites.

Job Responsibilities

  • Ensure safe work procedures are in place, regularly reviewed and implemented for all activities in the mine site.
  • Ensure supervision and monitoring of all work in accordance with identified safety requirements.
  • Ensure appropriate environmental controls are adhered to.
    Assists in the development and implementation of all Safety and Emergency Response policies, procedures and inspection schedules.
  • Conducts regular safety and fire audits.
  • Respond or coordinate response to all types of emergencies.
  • Perform weekly checks of the operation of all emergency response and safety  equipment.
  • Ensuring all incidents are fully investigated and recorded within the site safety data base in a timely and accurate manner.
  • Ensuring all site fire suppression systems and fire alarms are maintained in a  constant state of readiness.
  • Ensure all company isolation procedures are carefully adhered to and followed.
  • Ensuring that all emergencies are responded to in an effective and timely manner.
  • Co-ordinates and conduct emergency drills.
  • Develop and deliver firefighting and safety awareness training programs for all departments, contractors and the community as required.
  • Conducting emergency response, occupational safety, fire awareness and other associated training programs to continually develop site personnel.
  • Follows the set safe machine operating procedures, legislation and policies.
  • Advising the superintendent of pre-maintenance issues or repairs on all safety and emergency response equipment.

Key Achievement

Being one of the approved Government fire safety auditors.

Additional Job Experience

Job Description/Purpose

Job Responsibilities

Key Achievement


Highest Level

Diploma in Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Instrumentation & Control)

Technical University of Mombasa

Activities and Societies

Additional Education

Level 3 Certificate 1,2,4: Fire Engineering Science, operations and management & admin.

Institute of Fire Engineers

Activities and Societies


Professional Qualification Training One

Electrical engineering Craft Certificate in Apprenticeship

External (Obtained at another institution)

Professional Qualification Training Two

General safety, firefighting and first aid at work, rigging operations, and electrical and instrumentation engineering

Internal (Obtained at Base Titanium)


  • Swimming
  • Travelling
  • Watching movies/football.


  • Swahili
  • English
  • Digo

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