Swaleh Ali Koja

Clearing & Logistics Officer

A highly motivated and ambitious individual able to render relevant support to team members or management and looking forward to making a significant contribution, a team player that offers a genuine opportunity for progression and progressive position where possible to develop the institution and my carrier by exercising responsibility and creativity in the highly competitive environmental conditions

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Most Recent Job

Clearing & Logistics Officer

Base Titanium Ltd

Kwale, Kenya

Job Description/Purpose

Execution of all imports for machinery/parts and consumables required on the plant and exportation of ore samples for analysis.

Job Responsibilities

  • Provide guidance necessary to ensure overseas timely cargo consolidation and Freight.
  • Provide guidance necessary to ensure Logistics contractors adhere to safety and Environmental standards as per the mining standards.
  • Manage freight forwarders and third-party agents for timely collections.
  • Planning and execution of cartages.
  • Ensuring quick and efficient clearance process for imports/exports.
  • Liaise with government agencies on any requirements for imports/exports.
  • Expediting purchase orders to ensure timely deliveries.
  • Data entry on taxes expenditure.
  • Deliveries records and updates.

Key Achievement

Timely delivery for parts/consumables for successful KP2 project.

Additional Job Experience

Declaration and transport officer

Tekol/Amoo Holdings international(K) Ltd.

Mombasa, Kenya

Job Description/Purpose

Imports/exports and local transportation of cargo.

Job Responsibilities

  • Ensuring quick and efficient clearance process for imports of transit cargo.
  • Liaise with government agencies on any requirements for imports/exports.
  • Warehousing and ensure swift transportation and timely delivery of cargo to importers.

Key Achievement

Timely delivery of urgent UNMISS (United Mission in South Sudan) cargo.


Highest Level

Single Customs Territory (SCT) for Kenya KENTRADE

Kenya International Freight Forwarders and Warehousing Association Training

Activities and Societies

Additional Education

Diploma in clearing, Forwarding, and shipping management

Kenya Institute of Clearing Forwarding and Management

Activities and Societies


Professional Qualification Training One

Integrated Customs Management System (ICMS) & Customs Harmonized System

External (Obtained at another institution)

Professional Qualification Training Two


Internal (Obtained at Base Titanium)

Modern slavery training.

  • Swimming


  • English
  • Swahili

Contact Information
